public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from "Xavier Lacot" with tags js & web


Web Audio Demos

by 1 other
A collection of web audio demos

Hallo.js - Distraction-free Rich Text Editor for the Web

A rich text editor which has the great quality of being light, simple and fast while still being a pleasure to use.


Kendo UI - The Art of Web Development

by 1 other
A nifty UI widgets library, very complete and which provides a very descent alternative to jQuery UI.


Kranium transfers some well known practices and techniques from web development to Titanium Mobile development.

Socketbug - Mobile Web Application Debugging

Socketbug is a Remote Debugging Utility built using Socket.IO, which allows to use modern browsers to remotely debug mobile Web applications.

Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming

by 3 others
An introduction to the JavaScript programming language, by Marijn Haverbeke. Very complete, extensive, and well-written resource. Must read for every intern in web developement ! :-)

Highcharts - Interactive JavaScript charts for your webpage

by 13 others
A js graphical library for drawing charts. It stands on top of jQuery, MooTools or Prototyp, depending on the host project fundations, and provides a large serie of nice colored animated charts.


mnutt/hummingbird @ GitHub

by 2 others
Hummingbird lets you see how visitors are interacting with your website in real time, using WebSockets. Hummingbird is built on top of Node.js, a new javascript web toolkit that can handle large amounts of traffic and many concurrent users.


jQuery TOOLS - The UI library for the Web

by 12 others
jQuery Tools is a collection of the most important js user-interface components. It defines itself as THE web js UI library, and explains that "do you really need drag-and-drop, resizable windows or sortable tables in your web applications? Websites are not desktop applications. They are different.". Just a pinch at jQuery UI ?